Bruce Hornsby Concerts

Download: Bruce Hornsby New York, NY (2004)

Our drumming friend Jeff Friedlander requested a show on the Bruuuce.COMmunity Facebook group – happy to oblige! Help yourselves to a Bruce Hornsby New York concert from 2004!

Bruce Hornsby New York This was the first of two concerts on October 26 2004 in the Blue Note, famed for its jazz music.

Bruce and co duly obliged with a jazz-flavoured set featuring guest Bill Evans from The Changes onwards. Bill really contributes his own flavour to several songs and it makes for a unique recording.

You may well have seen some of the Blue Note footage in the Three Nights on the Town DVD… some of the soundtrack, and “Resting Place” from the late show, were featured on the DVD.

Do you have any requests for shows from a certain era? Be sure to post them on our Bruuuce.COMmunity Facebook group.

If you have any photos or setlists of your own to share, please send them our way via the contact page or post on the Bruuuce.COMmunity Facebook group.

Same goes for recordings – if you have one or you’ve seen one, and we should know about it, please contact us. We’re always looking for high quality recordings to share with the community – and this show is a great example!

Thanks for the request, Jeff! Please enjoy these downloads.

Download Bruce Hornsby New York .. October 26 2004 (early show)

mp3  01. Long Tall Cool One
» 10.0 MiB - 869 downloads

mp3  02. (When in Rome)
» 1.1 MiB - 1,128 downloads

mp3  03. The Changes
» 8.6 MiB - 870 downloads

mp3  04. Gonna Be Some Changes Made > (Hole in My Bucket)
» 10.0 MiB - 1,187 downloads

mp3  05. (Go Tell Aunt Rhodie) > Candy Mountain Run
» 7.9 MiB - 1,146 downloads

mp3  06. Spider Fingers > (Tempus Fugit)
» 11.9 MiB - 1,020 downloads

mp3  07. Talk of Town
» 11.3 MiB - 875 downloads

mp3  08. Tango King
» 6.7 MiB - 952 downloads

mp3  09. Dreamland
» 6.0 MiB - 973 downloads