We wanted to know what era you’d like a download from – so we put it to the vote on our Bruuuce.COMmunity Facebook group. Bruce Hornsby in London proved a popular vote.
Thanks to all those who voted and had their say. The favourite this time around was a Range show from any time before 1993.
That left us with a lot to choose from, so we went for this show from December 1988, when Bruce Hornsby and the Range took the trip over to London to play at the Hammersmith Apollo.
It was broadcast on BBC Radio One, so the quality of the recording is high.
Paul Carrack from Squeeze and Mike and the Mechanics provided guest vocals on The Weight.
We have more downloads to come from the present tour…
Please enjoy these downloads, and let us know what you want to hear, either through our contact page or the Bruuuce.COMmunity Facebook group!
Bruce Hornsby and the Range, London 1988
01. Jacob's Ladder
» 8.2 MiB - 1,781 downloads
02. Mandolin Rain
» 8.8 MiB - 4,986 downloads
03. Shenandoah > The Road Not Taken
» 11.8 MiB - 1,809 downloads
04. The Weight
» 5.3 MiB - 1,634 downloads
05. On the Western Skyline
» 8.5 MiB - 1,553 downloads
06. The Way It Is
» 7.8 MiB - 2,466 downloads
07. Defenders of the Flag
» 7.5 MiB - 1,358 downloads
08. Mighty Quinn
» 4.3 MiB - 1,552 downloads