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Long Tall Cool One

Si Twining
Features: Bruce Hornsby (piano, vocals); Jimmy Haslip (bass); John Molo (drums); Branford Marsalis (saxophone); Phil Collins (backing vocals)....

Longest Night

Si Twining
From Hot House (1995). Features: Bruce Hornsby (piano, vocals, synthesizer); J.V. Collier (bass); John Molo (drums); J.T. Thomas (organ); Randy Jacobs  (rhythm guitar); Pat Metheny...

Look Out Any Window

Si Twining
Though I had been aware of The Way It Is for two years, it was actually Look Out Any Window and Valley Road, heard on...


Si Twining
Played by: Jeff Lorber on: Harbor Lights (album) Chris Messina on: Absolute Zero (album)...

Lost in the Snow

Si Twining
Included on Halcyon Days (album) .. 2004. Features: Bruce Hornsby (piano, vocals, keyboards); J.V. Collier (bass); Sonny Emory (drums); J.T. Thomas (organ); R.S. Hornsby (guitar);...

Lost Soul

Si Twining
Features: Bruce Hornsby (piano, vocals, synthesizer); George Marinelli (guitar, backing vocals); John Molo (drums, percussion); Joe Puerta (bass, backing vocals), Shawn Colvin (vocals)....