Ten years ago – May 3 2014 – Ross Holmes played his first gig with Bruce Hornsby and the Noisemakers. Now with the Nitty Gritty Dirt Band, Ross looked back on his social channels at his time with Bruce.
He sent me a list of about 95 songs to learn and, when I asked which to prioritize, he said, “I sent you the list!”
Ross has been really generous with his time with us over the years , so we have a few pieces to share with you to look back on his time as a Noisemaker. We spoke when he first signed up and again when he left – and we have some choice audio cuts for you too!
April 9 2014 – “Welcome Ross Holmes and Gibb Droll!” – an early look at Ross after Bruce announced his place in the band, including footage of his tenure with Mumford and Sons.
April 25 2014 – “A chat with new Noisemaker, Ross Holmes” – Ross discusses his career history and getting the call from Bruce, a week before his first gig with the Noisemakers.
July 20 2017 – “Audio download: Bruce Hornsby and the Npoisemakers, Grand Rapids, MI” – Bruce was kind enough to share this soundboard copy of a show from 2017 for our Daiiy Dose Day charity project. You’ll hear Ross as a highlight throughout, beginning with a quarter-hour White-Wheeled Limousine.
May 12 2018 – “Ross Holmes audio interview” – a phone chat with Ross, again discussing joining the band, also improvising on stage, how the Noisemakers changed his approach to playing, and his relationship with current Noisemaker John Mailander.
October 28 2018: “Not Very Good at Winning” = a look at Ross’ solo project from 2018.
We continue to follow Ross closely and look forward to whatever’s next. Keep up to date through his website at rossholmes.net. Thanks, Ross!