
Huge news: how you’ve helped TWLOHA today

Wonderful news already on our TWLOHA fundraising. I wanted to jump straight into action with your donations, which continue to come in, and I’ve already passed on some of your contributions.

TWLOHA have set up different stations (or “chapters”) in colleges and universities around the USA. They’re helping to get immediate, specialist care to young adults who are vulnerable to self-harm, addiction, depression or suicide.

Here is a tangible, immediate outcome from your generosity in the last three weeks: you have just paid for three students from Boston to attend a three-day TWLOHA conference, to train them further on giving urgent care to their peers.

TWLOHA fundraising
TWLOHA conference

Headed by Cassidy Gallegos, Boston students have been seeking TWLOHA fundraising to train three student volunteers.

This morning I was in the very privileged position to go shopping on your behalf, and the charity now have your money. Cassidy was picked out of a host of fundraisers – she did not request any travel costs, nor any accommodation, but solely the costs for the conference to train three people.

You gave them that. The money was transferred straight from your donations to the charity this morning to fund their attendance at the conference.

We’ve received a message from Cassidy this afternoon, who says, “We are so honored and humbled by your amazing contribution. Thank you, thank you, thank you, from the bottom of our hearts!”

I’ve thanked you for the very real difference that your donations are helping to make, and this is one example. Once again, my gratitude for your kindness, and for trusting me with your money. If even one small gesture from one of those students helps a person, then it could make a huge impact on someone’s life, and let them know that they matter.

You can read more on the TWLOHA conference that you’ve just helped to fund, or find about more about the University chapters in this brief video:

Stay tuned for Daily Dose Day next Monday, June 30…