Download: Bruce Hornsby Westbury, NY .. August 31 2016

Westbury is a popular stop on the Bruce Hornsby tour, and this particular show gave us some unique takes on old favourites.

westburytheater For example, can anyone hear a Boo Radley vibe in Place Under the Sun?

When did you ever hear a guitar intro to The Way It Is?

Or a relatively quiet start to Jacob’s Ladder, which on this night started back on the piano!

Or when did you get a minute-long fiddle intro into Pete and Manny?!

All in this show…

We apologise for skipping a couple of seconds out of Crown of Jewels. It was an issue with the original recording, but we thank DavePas63 for the great tape.

If you have any photos or setlists of your own to share, please send them our way via the contact page or post on the Bruuuce.COMmunity Facebook group.

Thanks again to DavePas63 for the great recording on DimeADozen.

Please enjoy these downloads!

Bruce Hornsby Westbury, August 2016

mp3  01 China Doll
» 12.8 MiB - 831 downloads

mp3  02. Crown of Jewels
» 9.8 MiB - 806 downloads

mp3  03. Place Under the Sun
» 7.2 MiB - 843 downloads

mp3  04. End of the Innocence
» 12.9 MiB - 1,013 downloads

mp3  05. Funhouse
» 9.6 MiB - 774 downloads

mp3  06. Ross Homes fiddle intro
» 2.7 MiB - 1,042 downloads

mp3  07. Pete & Manny > Barcelona Mona
» 7.9 MiB - 749 downloads

mp3  08. Bruce walks to the dulcimer music
» 2.8 MiB - 1,087 downloads

mp3  09. Tropical Cashmere Sweater
» 7.7 MiB - 767 downloads

mp3  10. TSA Man
» 5.2 MiB - 774 downloads

mp3  11. Valley Road
» 9.2 MiB - 742 downloads

mp3  12. Prairie Dog Town
» 6.8 MiB - 792 downloads

mp3  13. Green, Green Rocky Road
» 5.9 MiB - 807 downloads

mp3  14. The Way It Is
» 6.8 MiB - 816 downloads

mp3  15. Jacob's Ladder
» 8.4 MiB - 781 downloads

mp3  16. Sunflower Cat >
» 7.3 MiB - 763 downloads

mp3  17. Lot to Laugh, Train to Cry
» 4.4 MiB - 784 downloads

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