Bruce Hornsby phone chat, January 2005

This Bruce Hornsby phone chat was recorded on January 10 2005. We spoke for almost forty minutes, and covered a wide range of topics, including:-

    • New artists that have impressed him
    • Looking for a record deal today
    • British bands today.
    • His concerts up for download
    • How they’re picked and future plans for this
    • DVD plans – “Three Nights on the Town“.
    • Live concert broadcasts over the ‘net
    • Improvising on stage
    • Calling the shots
    • Preparing for a show.
    • Sonny Emory
    • Playing the big hits on tour
    • The old songs of his that he doesn’t care for.
    • Playing Big Swing Face songs live
    • Touring plans/burnout
    • Pre-show nerves
    • The current band.
    • What he’s up to currently
    • The Ricky and Bruce record
    • What became of the original record replaced by BSF.
    • Inspiration for songs
    • The next record

To hear this Bruce Hornsby interview, click the player below:

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