The website has an established community of some two thousand subscribers, who have contributed over $20,000 to various charities since 2005.
This year on May 6 2018, to make this website’s 20th anniversary, we are attempting to go far beyond the scope of this website and give you all a fantastic online experience in aid of the ALS Association and Multiple Sclerosis care.
The “Daily Dose” is a single track taken from a live Bruce Hornsby show, put up for download on and updated daily. The premise of the “Daily Dose Day” is a twenty-four hour event, hosted online, where a new dose is published every hour, around the clock, for a full day. Often they are “special” doses, not published on the site before, such as an unusual collaboration or a live performance of particular note. The Daily Dose Day invites a donation to a nominated charity, if the website visitors on that day feel suitably generous.
Our humble aim when beginning our first charity venture was to raise $1,000 for Multiple Sclerosis care. This was surpassed within hours, with a grand total of $3,000 in total contributions in a single day of online activity.
The phenomenal results of our first event were exceeded in the following years, accompanied by music contributed by our own website visitors. We begun launching the cover projects to coincide with Daily Dose Days – a CD (or even two) of Bruce’s music, covered by your very talented selves. They recorded songs (available on this website) which have since been downloaded several thousand times. The same system of voluntary donations has seen charities for MS care, ALS, cancer research and the NSPCC for abused children benefit by over $20,000.
The 2011 edition of the Daily Dose Day took things a stage further, with music from five different artists and groups every hour, for a 25 hour period. Followers of Bruce, Dave Matthews, Phish, Bela Fleck and the Grateful Dead responded magnificently.
Our contests on these special days have given out some great prizes, from music festival tickets to signed memorabilia. We’ve been generously sponsored as well, most notably by the Board legend Mr David Day.
In 2014 we went way beyond a single day and gave you the 20 Days of Bruce project.
Thank you all so much for your generosity in supporting the Daily Dose Days – next one is May 6 2018 and we are now putting all the details together. Here’s what we have so far: Daily Dose Day 2018.
– Si Twining.
(Here’s the promotional video for the 2011 day…)
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