Each time we run a Daily Dose Day, we try and outdo our previous events. This year on May 6, alongside the hourly downloads, we will be hosting a 24 hour podcast!
You will be able to tune in on your computer, smartphone or tablet and listen to concerts, interviews and some special music throughout the whole day, from midnight to midnight US Eastern time.
That’s going to take some planning, and we’re working on it now for you.
As we do every year, we’ll invite donations from you to a charitable cause if you feel it’s appropriate. This year we’re once again raising for the ALS Association and Multiple Sclerosis care.
More details to follow soon, but for now – get your podcasting ears ready!
The “Daily Dose” was a daily download of a live audio track from a Bruce Hornsby concert, updated each day on Bruuuce.com. The name was coined by our great friend Richard Diakun, who passed in 2017. We will be commemorating Richard during the day, along with the much missed David Day.
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