Every couple of years we like to switch things around a little bit here on Bruuuce.com… change the decorations, perhaps give you something new, and make a few improvements.
This year I’m just out of some intensive training on web design, learning about social psychology and organising content, so hopefully I can put that to good use here!
The older content has never been particularly easy to find, so I’ve changed the layout to make it a simpler place to find what you need, or just idly look around.
It’s going to be a big year on Bruuuce.com in 2016 as we celebrate 30 years since The Way It Is… and we have some special projects in store! 2016 also sees the release of Bruce’s next record, “Rehab Reunion“, and we’ll have plenty of coverage of that.
We also have a new cover project in the pipeline this August – please let me know if you’re interested in contributing.
We also have a revamped Board, which is now more of a social network. Thee’s a “social” link at the top – go ahead and look at recent activity, or register yourselves.
As always, I’m keen to know what you’d like to see – take a look around, and please feel free to reach me via the contact page.