Barren Ground

Features: Bruce Hornsby (piano, vocals, synthesizer); George Marinelli (guitar, backing vocals); John Molo (drums, percussion); Joe Puerta (bass, backing vocals); Shawn Colvin (backing vocals); Bela Fleck (banjo); Jerry Garcia (guitar).

In this song, we try to show another angle on how the reckless actions of people today, actions taken with no precautions for protecting the environment, will come back to harm their children and descendants.

Bruce was having dinner with Senator Bill Bradley right after the Prince William Sound debacle and the senator prodded Bruce to write about it. The first verse refers to the rain forests problem.

The central message of the song is found in the lines “And the sons and the daughters got diamonds and gold, but they were given a land were strong roots never take hold.

From “Bruce Hornsby & The Range – A Night On The Town” Sheet music published in 1990 by Cherry Lane Music Company, Inc. (ISBN 0-89524-580-9)


mp3  Barren Ground
» 6.4 MiB - 1,179 downloads
York, PA
Band show; audience recording
October 22 2004




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